Sitecore Experience Accelerator

SXA - Functions with Scriban

While building rendering variants with Scriban for a Sitecore Experience Accelerator(SXA) solution, there are several times when we have to repeat the same code again and again. This article explains how we can build functions in Scriban templates which we can reuse.


Scriban Extensions - Sitecore Experience Accelerator

Scriban templates can be written as part of the rendering variants for an SXA (Sitecore Experience Accelerator) solution. Many times, the field renderers and the OOTB available Scriban functions fall short of our requirements. This is when the Custom Scriban Extensions come in handy.


Customizing the XML Sitemap for Sitecore SXA 10.0

This article describes how the Sitemap in the Sitecore Experience Accelerator(SXA) works, and how we can customize it further. We also explore how to override the functionality to build it as per our requirements.


SXA CLI - Error 403.0 when deploying themes

When working with SXA CLI to deploy a theme to the Sitecore Environment, I observed a 403.0 Error on Powershell. The error had the content 'IIS 10.0 Detailed Error - 403.0 - The request could not be completed because the service is disabled'.
