
Sitecore Content Serialization (SCS) - Commands explained

Sitecore Content Serialization (SCS) is a system for serializing, sharing, and deploying content items, as well as keeping them in version control. This post explains how to install the Sitecore Content Serialization module, and the basic commands of the Sitecore Content Serialization module - login, pull, & push.


Passing Data through Sitecore Config files

This post describes how to pass data to your pipeline processors, event handlers, etc. through the Sitecore configuration files. Using Basic Data Types, Lists, Custom Lists, Custom Data Types and Re-using data through different classes.


Sitecore MVP Technology 2024

On Feb. 9, 2024, Sitecore announced the Sitecore Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs) awards for the year 2024. In total, 247 MVPs have been announced in the 3 categories, among which 147 are in the Technology category. I am fortunate to be one of them.


Sitecore - Custom UI Event Handlers

In this article, I will be covering on what UI events are, and how we can create custom event handlers for various UI events in Sitecore.
